Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Ahoy me hearties! Playing Pirates: Part 1

Ahoy there!

In a couple of weeks time our little family is off on holiday to Hayle in Cornwall so I started talking to the boys about going to the seaside and the theme of pirates came up.  So until we go away, we are going to be playing pirates!  Here's what we've been getting up to so far...

On Sunday we went to visit Kate, Ethan and Tanya up in North Devon and we took a trip into Westward Ho! for dinner.  Daniel played on the pirate ship play equipment and we found a pirate outside the sweet shop!

On Monday we went for a walk up to Stoke Village and raided the charity shops for treasure!  We came home with a selection of plastic bead necklaces and bangles, which we will use later in the week, but for now Daniel has been having great fun dressing up in them...

We also went to the library and found a selection of pirate themed picture books to read at bedtime.  Daddy does story time when he's not on a late shift and I think he approves of the choice of books...

Today we've been walking the plank!  I used a cardboard box to make a plank and some crocodiles then added Daniel's stuffed shark and Nemo.  Nemo was there to save him from the shark and crocs if he fell in!  Excuse the half naked toddler and the blurry photos - he was too excited to play this morning to bother with clothes!

Then whilst Daniel was napping, I went shopping with his Grannie Annie and we found some dressing up clothes in the Halloween aisle.  Grannie Annie treated Daniel to a pirate costume!  So this afternoon once Daniel was home from Little Kicks we did more walking the plank dressed up!

So that's where we're up to so far, but there are more pirate adventures to come :)

Nikki x

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